When in Doubt, just add glitter
De foto's van deze post zijn allemaal gemaakt door mijn broer, met een leuk muziekje op en dus stonden we de hele tijd te dansen en gek te doen, vandaar de soms vreemde poses en lichtjes ongefocuste (zeg je dat zo?) foto's. Achja, is wel lekker spontaan natuurlijk ;).
Bonjour mes amis! Today I was in a happy mood so I decided to spice up a simple outfit with a big fat eyecatcher, very Parisienne-ish! I first spotted this sparkly H&M jacket on AnnaSophia Robb. She wore it on a H&M event and turned out to just have bought it at H&M as well (or maybe it was gifted to her, makes more sense I guess. Sigh, the though life of a celeb...)! As a huge fan of H&M, The Carrie Diaries, AnnaSophia's style, glitters, blazers and sequins, I just HAD to buy it.
All of the pictures below are made by my brother. We were constantly dancing and having fun, which is why there might me some odd poses and slightly unfocused . Well at least it's spontaneous, right? :).
Jeans- Primark
Ring - H&M
Shoes - H&M
Top - H&M
Jacket - H&M
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