Loves/hates April

Well, just like anyone else, I have some things I Love, but unfortunately also some things I don't really like, from now on, I will do some Love/hate posts, with this week : Shoes!!

Love :

Sebago Docksides :) definately not everyones cup of tea (definately not), but I love these! they are really easy to throw on and they look amazing with a pair of jeans . You can buy the regular navyblue ones (hello, sailor!) or you can go for this one in pretty pastels (wannahave!):

Sebago : 73 Euros :D

Hate : 

A lot of fashionistas are going to shoot me when I say this, but : Isabel Marant Sneakers. For some reason, I don't really like them, I don't think they add something to your outfit . I've seen some bloggers wear them with dresses or cute shorts, but I don't think they are that pretty (i'm sorry, Isabel ;) I do like the rest of your collection though) :p.

Isabel Marant : Euro's -> a lot :)


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